hi folks

the following list includes a provides('html' helper function. What are these helper functions? Is there documentation/a reference guide of all helper functions somewhere? Are they specific to couchdb, specific to lists?

   "_id": "_design/listtest",
   "_rev": "22-31ba90b5d72287897d5013a76c08c2c9",
   "lists": {
"foo": "function(head, req) { var out = req.headers.Host ; var row; while (row = getRow()) { (out = out + row.value + '</ br>') };return out; }",
       "bar": "function() { return 'zoom!' }",
"bas": "function(head, req) {provides('html', function() {send('<html><body>');var row;while (row = getRow()) {send(row.value + '</br>');}return '</body></html>';});}"


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