Hi, good afternoon.
We have a question regarding the MongoDB and Drill integration through the 
Mongo storage plugin; we need to query and execute geospatial queries through 
Drill using the MongoDB geospatial functions. That means we have data in Mongo 
and using Drill we need to call those Mongo functions.
For example, consider we have a zones collection in Mongo with zones 
information including a geojson. Directly in Mongo we can execute the following 
query using the $geoIntersects Mongo function (find the zones that intersects a 
specific Point) with successful results:

db.getCollection('zones').find({ geom: { $geoIntersects: { $geometry: { type: 
"Point", coordinates: [ -73.93414657, 40.82302903 ] } } } })

The main question: Is it possible to execute mongo functions using Drill and 
how can we do it?
Also, if we want to execute the same query described above but using Drill, is 
that possible? And if it is, how can we do it?

Thanks for your help!

Jose Luis.

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