Standalone drillbit without Zookeeper?

2020-09-29 Thread Matt Keranen
Is it possible to run a single node drillbit without Zookeeper, as a "service" without the need for coordination across multiple nodes? `zk.connect: "local"` is not accepted as the equivalent of "zk=local" with drill-embedded.

File does not exist errors across cluster

2018-11-27 Thread Matt Keranen
Have 4 nodes running drillbits version 1.14 for queries over JSON files in the regular filesystem (not HDFS). Each node has an identical directory structure, but not all file names exist on all nodes, and any query in the form of "SELECT ... FROM dfs.logs.`logs*.json.gz`" fails with: Error:

File "does not exist" error on non-distributed filesystem cluster

2018-11-27 Thread Matt Keranen
Have 4 nodes running drillbits version 1.14 for queries over JSON files in the regular filesystem (not HDFS). Each node has an identical directory structure, but not all file names exist on all nodes, and any query in the form of "SELECT ... FROM dfs.logs.`logs*.json.gz`" fails with: Error: