
I'am using apache Drill 1.14 on a kerberized Cloudera cluster (CDH 5.14).

When I activate kerberos authentification, drill server refuse to start with 

org.apache.drill.exec.exception.DrillbitStartupException: Authentication is 
enabled for WebServer but none of the security mechanism was configured 
properly. Please verify the configurations and try again.

I can see in the logs that the kerberos authentification is ok:

[main] INFO  o.a.d.exec.server.BootStrapContext - Process user name: 'root' and 
logged in successfully as 'tata/xx.yy...@xx.yy?'

Can you help me please?

Based on the Apache Drill documentation, there is my conf/drill-override.conf:

drill.exec: {
  cluster-id: "drillbits1",
  zk.connect: "xx.yy.zz:2181",
  service_name: "service1",
  impersonation: {
    enabled: true,
    max_chained_user_hops: 3
  security: {
    auth.realm: "XX.YY",
    user.encryption.sasl.enabled: true,
    user.encryption.sasl.max_wrapped_size: 65536
  security.user.encryption.ssl: {
    enabled: true,
    keyPassword: "XXXXX",
    handshakeTimeout: 10000,
    provider: "JDK"
  ssl: {
    keyStorePath: "XXXXX",
    keyStorePassword: "XXXXX",
    trustStorePath: "XXXXX",
    trustStorePassword: "XXXXX"
  http: {
    enabled: true,
    auth.enabled: false,
    auth.mechanisms: ["KERBEROS"],
    ssl_enabled: true,
    port: 8047
    session_max_idle_secs: 3600, # Default value 1hr
    cors: {
      enabled: false,
      allowedOrigins: ["null"],
      allowedMethods: ["GET", "POST", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"],
      allowedHeaders: ["X-Requested-With", "Content-Type", "Accept", "Origin"],
      credentials: true

Thank you

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