On behalf of the Apache Drill community, I am happy to announce the release of Apache Drill 1.12.0.
For information about Apache Drill, and to get involved, visit the project website [1]. This release of Drill provides the following new features and improvements: Kafka and OpenTSDB Storage Plugins (DRILL-4779, DRILL-5337) Queue-Based Memory Assignment for Buffering Operators (Throttling) (DRILL-5716) Networking Functions (DRILL-5834) SSL Support (DRILL-5431) Network Encryption Support (DRILL-5682) Access to Paths Outside the Current Workspace (DRILL-5964) For the full list please see release notes [2]. The binary and source artifacts are available here [3]. Thanks to everyone in the community who contributed to this release! 1. https://drill.apache.org/ 2. https://drill.apache.org/docs/apache-drill-1-12-0-release-notes/ 3. https://drill.apache.org/download/