      I am using apache drill version 1.9 in window 10 & running in
embedded mode.

Is it possible to access files(csv, tsv, json, etc) of remote system from
my drill.

Suppose, I have two system having same environment (i.e:- window 10,
embedded mode & 1.9 version). In both the system drill is running. System 1
drill IP is 192.XXX.XX.01:8047, and another one has 192.XXX.XX.02:8047.

   Second  System i.e 192.XXX.XX.02:8047 has some csv file in D:/ drive.

Can i access that csv file of 2nd System Drill (i.e 192.XXX.XX.02:8047)
using 1st System DFS Storage Plugin

I have tried see my storage plugin:-

  "type": "file",
  "enabled": true,
  "connection": "http://192.XXX.XX.02:8047";,
  "config": null,
  "workspaces": {
    "root": {
      "location": "/",
      "writable": true,
      "defaultInputFormat": null
  "formats": {
    "json": {
      "type": "json",
      "extensions": [

And fire  Select command, but error showing.

Error:  SYSTEM ERROR: IOException: No FileSystem for scheme: http

  Thanks & Regards
  *Sanjiv Kumar*

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