Re: Drill 1.9.0 - Embedded mode doesn't work on Windows

2016-12-05 Thread Arina Yelchiyeva
Well, I would not say it's a exactly a glitch :) If (not, exec is missing) is not set, drill creates udf directories (staging, registry, tmp) in user home. Usually user has write permissions in it's home directory (it works fine on my

Re: Drill 1.9.0 - Embedded mode doesn't work on Windows

2016-12-04 Thread Abhishek Girish
I gave this a try on Windows - downloaded the 1.9.0 release and moved it to C:\Users\agirish\apache-drill-1.9.0. I was successfully able to bring up Drill in embedded mode. It looks like I did have read/write/execute permissions on the dir (by default) - so I'm not sure if that's any different

Re: Drill 1.9.0 - Embedded mode doesn't work on Windows

2016-12-03 Thread Paul Rogers
Hi Ivy, Looks like a glitch in the shiny new dynamic UDF feature. Does the directory Users/ivy.chan exist on the C: drive? You can work around this in a couple of ways. First, disable the dynamic UDF feature (which is not really needed for an embedded Drillbit). Unfortunately, this works only

Re: Drill 1.9.0 - Embedded mode doesn't work on Windows

2016-12-03 Thread Abhishek Girish
Can you confirm that the location has the right permissions? May be explicitly provide permissions for the folder 'drill' in your home dir? On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 6:24 PM, wrote: > Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Area > [/C:/Users/ivy.chan/drill/udf/r >

Drill 1.9.0 - Embedded mode doesn't work on Windows

2016-12-03 Thread IChan
Hi I'm trying out 1.9.0 on our Windows server. When launching the embedded mode, I got the following errors: E:\software\apache-drill-1.9.0\bin>sqlline.bat -u "jdbc:drill:zk=local" DRILL_ARGS - " -u jdbc:drill:zk=local" HADOOP_HOME not detected... HBASE_HOME not detected... Calculating Drill