Hi Dennis,
1. In Flink 1.18 + non-reactive mode, autoscaler adjusts the job's
parallelism and the job will request for extra TMs if the current ones cannot
satisfy its need and redundant TMs will be released automatically later for
being idle. In other words, parallelism changes cause TM nu
Hi Nikolaos,
As Ron said, the jobgraph is a low level structure in flink and it is not
exposed to users now. Currently you can get job details from
`RestClusterClient` in method `getJobDetails(JobID jobId)`, the result
`JobDetailsInfo` contains all vertices in the job and the json format job
Hi community,
I would like to ask how one can clear Flink's k8s operator state.
I have a sandbox k8s cluster with Flink k8s operator where I've deployed
Flink session cluster with few Session jobs. After some play around, and
braking few things here and there I see this log:
023-09-04 21:10:30,92
Any idea why backpressured metrics are not working and how I can fix it?
[image: image.png]