
2021-08-05 Thread
退订 本邮件载有秘密信息,请您恪守保密义务。未经许可不得披露、使用或允许他人使用。谢谢合作。 This email contains confidential information. Recipient is obliged to keep the information confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution of the information in this email is strictly prohibited. Thank you.


2021-08-05 Thread
退订 本邮件载有秘密信息,请您恪守保密义务。未经许可不得披露、使用或允许他人使用。谢谢合作。 This email contains confidential information. Recipient is obliged to keep the information confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution of the information in this email is strictly prohibited. Thank you.


2021-07-30 Thread
退订 本邮件载有秘密信息,请您恪守保密义务。未经许可不得披露、使用或允许他人使用。谢谢合作。 This email contains confidential information. Recipient is obliged to keep the information confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution of the information in this email is strictly prohibited. Thank you.


2021-07-27 Thread
退订 本邮件载有秘密信息,请您恪守保密义务。未经许可不得披露、使用或允许他人使用。谢谢合作。 This email contains confidential information. Recipient is obliged to keep the information confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, or distribution of the information in this email is strictly prohibited. Thank you.