OK, here's what I hope is a stupid question: what's the most efficient way
to co-group more than 2 DataStreams together? I'm looking at porting a
pipeline from pig to flink, and in a couple of places I use Pig's COGROUP
functionality to simultaneously group 3 or 4 and sometimes even more
datasets on the same key simultaneously. Looking at the Datastream API, I
see how to group 2 datastreams, but I don't see anything obvious for
processing more than two simultaneously. Obviously I could cogroup two,
then cogroup the result with the next one, etc adding each stream serially
to the result, but that seems inefficient. Is there a better way?


Will Lauer

Senior Principal Architect, Audience & Advertising Reporting

Data Platforms & Systems Engineering

M 508 561 6427

Champaign Office

1908 S. First St

Champaign, IL 61822

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