
2024-05-29 Thread jszhouch...@163.com

how to count kafka sink number

2019-05-12 Thread jszhouch...@163.com
hi i have a flink sql, reading record from kafka, then use table function do some transformation, then produce to kafka. i have found that in the flink web record received of the first subTask is always 0 ,and the Records send of the last subTask is 0 as well. i want to count how many

flink 无法 获取从数据源读了多少条数据,写入目标数据源多少条数据

2019-05-10 Thread jszhouch...@163.com
大家好, 我现在有一个程序消费kafka,写入kafka,我想获取flink 消费了多少条kafka数据,写入了多少条kafka数据,,但是在flink页面上 第一个subtasks的Records received是0,最后一个subtask的Records send也是0,但是第一个subtask的Records send是正确的,最后一个subtask的Records received也是正确的。也就是我现在我不能从flink的metric中获取到flink程序从kafka中读了多少条数据,flink程序写入kafka多少条数据。 请问一下,我如何能从flink

flink program in a spring bean can not consume from kafka

2019-04-17 Thread jszhouch...@163.com
hi, i met a strange issue, the same code running in a java class can consume kafka , but when i change the java class to a spring bean(annotation is @service) , the program can not consume kafka amymore. does anyone met the similar problems or how can i debug this problems? thanks a lot

Re:Re: 窗口触发机制的疑惑

2019-04-16 Thread jszhouch...@163.com
感谢大牛的回复,我又看了一下源码,在advanceWatermark函数中,如果timer对应的窗口的maxTimestamp < 当前的watermark,窗口才会被触发,所以窗口被触发的两个条件: 1 watermark >= window.maxTimestamp 2 窗口有元素 这个是在任何情况下都适用的 在 2019-04-16 09:19:40,"Jark Wu" 写道: >是的。 > >> 在 2019年4月15日,18:55,jszhouch...@163.com 写道: >&