Hi Aljoscha,
You're right, I had a misunderstanding about how unions without window
operations work.
On Thu, Nov 12, 2020, 18:37 Aljoscha Krettek wrote:
> Hi,
> I think if you don't do any operations that are sensitive to event-time
> then just using a UNION/UNION ALL should work be
I think if you don't do any operations that are sensitive to event-time
then just using a UNION/UNION ALL should work because then there won't
be any buffering by event time which could delay your output.
Have you tried this and have you seen an actual delay in your output?
I want to create an abstraction over N source tables (streams), and unify
them into 1 table. I know UNION and UNION ALL exist, but I'm looking for
DataStream.connect like semantics in regards to watermark control. I don't
want to take the minimum watermark over all N streams, as I know for sur