As Biplob said this means that the JM cannot find the requested state.
The reasons can be one of the above but given that you said you are using
the FlinkMiniCluster, I assume you are testing. In this case, it can also
be that you start querying your state to soon after the job is submitted,
Hi Hayden,
>From what I know, "No KvStateLocation found for KvState instance with name
'word_sums'" is exactly what it means. Your current job can't find the
KVState instance. This could result due to a few reasons that I know of:
1. The jobID you supplied for the queryclient job is not equal to
I am trying to use queryable state, and am encountering issues when querying
the state from the client. I get the following exception:
Exception in thread "main"
org.apache.flink.runtime.query.UnknownKvStateLocation: No KvStateLocation found
for KvState instance with name 'word_sums'.