Hi Colin,

Flink's SQL runner does not support handling of late data yet. At the
moment, late events are simply dropped.
We plan to add support for late data in a future release.

The "withIdleStateRetentionTime" parameter only applies to non-windowed
aggregation functions and controls when they can evict state for inactive

Best, Fabian

2017-11-10 4:17 GMT+01:00 Colin Williams <colin.williams.seat...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I've been given some flink application code and asked to implement and
> ensure that our query is updated for late arriving entries. We're currently
> creating a table using a Tumbling SQL query similar to the first example in
>  https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-
> release-1.3/dev/table/sql.html#group-windows
> We then turn the result table back into a datastream using toAppendStream,
> and eventually add a derivative stream to a sink. We've configured
> TimeCharacteristic to event-time processing.
> From reading the documentation I was trying to configure using
> withIdleStateRetentionTime, with the expectation that this setting would
> allow me to deal with late arrivals past a given watermark time, but within
> the retention time.
> Then to test this I created a simple source which triggers the watermark,
> so that I'd have next a late arrival. However so far the watermark seems to
> cause something to discriminate the late arrival. Then in my test sink
> where I'm trying to capture all emitted outputs, and hopefully the updated
> value I don't find one.
> So it seems that my understanding of how to deal with late events, or my
> test platform is wrong. Can anyone recognize what I'm doing wrong?
> Best,
> Colin Williams

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