I'm in contact with the founder of the library to deal with the problem. I'm
trying also to understand how implement myself slotSharingGroups
Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/
Setting the slot sharing group is Flink's mechanism to solve this issue.
I'd consider this a limitation of the library that provides LEARN and
Did you consider to open an issue at (or contributing to) the library to
support setting the slotSharing group?
2017-10-17 9:38 GMT+02:00 AndreaKi
Yes, I considered them but unfortunately I can't call setSlotSharingGroup
method on LEARN and SELECT operators.
I can call it on the other operators but this means that the two LEARN
method will be constrained in the same "unnamed" slot.
Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archi
Hi Andrea,
have you looked into assigning slot sharing groups [1]?
Best, Fabian
2017-10-16 18:01 GMT+02:00 AndreaKinn :
> Hi all,
> I want to expose you my program flow.
Hi all,
I want to expose you my program flow.
I have the following operators:
kafka-source -> timestamp-extractor -> map -> keyBy -> window -> apply ->
LEARN -> SELECT -> process -> cassandra-sink
the LEARN and SELECT operators belong to an external library supported by
flink. LEARN is a very he