Hi, The Flink Doc mentions flink-s3-fs-presto as the recommended one for checkpointing. Do we have any more details on how this was concluded? I am part of a platform team where we are deciding whether to support both filesystems or not. This will be a very useful input for us.
Thanks in advance. https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.16/docs/deployment/filesystems/s3/#hadooppresto-s3-file-systems-plugins - flink-s3-fs-presto, registered under the scheme *s3://* and *s3p://*, is based on code from the Presto project <https://prestodb.io/>. You can configure it using the same configuration keys as the Presto file system <https://prestodb.io/docs/0.272/connector/hive.html#amazon-s3-configuration>, by adding the configurations to your flink-conf.yaml. *The Presto S3 implementation is the recommended file system for checkpointing to S3*.