>> --Original Mail --
>> *Sender:*赵一旦
>> *Send Date:*Sun Feb 7 16:13:57 2021
>> *Recipients:*Till Rohrmann
>> *CC:*Robert Metzger , user
>> *Subject:*Re: flink kryo exception
>>> It also maybe have somethin
> command ?
> Best,
> Yun
> --Original Mail --
> *Sender:*赵一旦
> *Send Date:*Sun Feb 7 16:13:57 2021
> *Recipients:*Till Rohrmann
> *CC:*Robert Metzger , user
> *Subject:*Re: flink kryo exception
>> It also maybe
CC:Robert Metzger , user
Subject:Re: flink kryo exception
It also maybe have something to do with my job's first tasks. The second task
have two input, one is the kafka source stream(A), another is self-defined
mysql source as broadcast stream.(B)
In A: I have a 'WatermarkReAssigne
It also maybe have something to do with my job's first tasks. The second
task have two input, one is the kafka source stream(A), another is
self-defined mysql source as broadcast stream.(B)
In A: I have a 'WatermarkReAssigner', a self-defined operator which add an
offset to its input watermark and
The first problem is critical, since the savepoint do not work.
The second problem, in which I changed the solution, removed the 'Map'
based implementation before the data are transformed to the second task,
and this case savepoint works. The only problem is that, I should stop the
job and remembe
Could you provide us with a minimal working example which reproduces the
problem for you? This would be super helpful in figuring out the problem
you are experiencing. Thanks a lot for your help.
On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 1:03 PM 赵一旦 wrote:
> Yeah, and if it is different, why my job r
Yeah, and if it is different, why my job runs normally. The problem only
occurres when I stop it.
Robert Metzger 于2021年2月5日周五 下午7:08写道:
> Are you 100% sure that the jar files in the classpath (/lib folder) are
> exactly the same on all machines? (It can happen quite easily in a
> distributed st
Are you 100% sure that the jar files in the classpath (/lib folder) are
exactly the same on all machines? (It can happen quite easily in a
distributed standalone setup that some files are different)
On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 12:00 PM 赵一旦 wrote:
> Flink1.12.0; only using aligned checkpoint; Standal
Flink1.12.0; only using aligned checkpoint; Standalone Cluster;
Robert Metzger 于2021年2月5日周五 下午6:52写道:
> Are you using unaligned checkpoints? (there's a known bug in 1.12.0 which
> can lead to corrupted data when using UC)
> Can you tell us a little bit about your environment? (How are you
> de
Are you using unaligned checkpoints? (there's a known bug in 1.12.0 which
can lead to corrupted data when using UC)
Can you tell us a little bit about your environment? (How are you deploying
Flink, which state backend are you using, what kind of job (I guess
DataStream API))
Somehow the process r
Hi all, I find that the failure always occurred in the second task, after
the source task. So I do something in the first chaining task, I transform
the 'Map' based class object to another normal class object, and the
problem disappeared.
Based on the new solution, I also tried to stop and restore
I do not think this is some code related problem anymore, maybe it is some
赵一旦 于2021年2月5日周五 下午4:30写道:
> Hi all, I find that the failure always occurred in the second task, after
> the source task. So I do something in the first chaining task, I transform
> the 'Map' based class object to an
>From these snippets it is hard to tell what's going wrong. Could you maybe
give us a minimal example with which to reproduce the problem?
Alternatively, have you read through Flink's serializer documentation [1]?
Have you tried to use a simple POJO instead of inheriting from a HashMap?
The stack
Some facts are possibly related with these, since another job do not meet
these expectations.
The problem job use a class which contains a field of Class MapRecord, and
MapRecord is defined to extend HashMap so as to accept variable json data.
Class MapRecord:
public cla
Actually the exception is different every time I stop the job.
Such as:
(1) com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: Unable to find class: g^XT
The stack as I given above.
(2) java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 46, Size: 17
2021-02-03 18:37:24
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 4
could you show us the job you are trying to resume? Is it a SQL job or a
DataStream job, for example?
>From the stack trace, it looks as if the class g^XT is not on the class
On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 10:30 AM 赵一旦 wrote:
> I have a job, the checkpoint and savepoint all rig
I have a job, the checkpoint and savepoint all right.
But, if I stop the job using 'stop -p', after the savepoint generated, then
the job goes to fail. Here is the log:
2021-02-03 16:53:55,179 WARN org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task
[] - ual_ft_uid_subid_SidIncludeFilter ->
17 matches
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