hello, i am trying to do vector assembling with flink 1.15 but i have this. How 
can i solve it please?   2024-06-16 03:47:24 DEBUG Main:114 - Assembled Data 
Table Schema: root
 |-- tripId: INT
 |-- stopId: INT
 |-- routeId: INT
 |-- stopSequence: INT
 |-- speed: DOUBLE
 |-- currentStatus: INT
 |-- temp_max: DOUBLE
 |-- temp_min: DOUBLE
 |-- visibility: INT
 |-- dayOfWeek: INT
 |-- distance: DOUBLE
 |-- hour: DOUBLE
 |-- weatherConditionId: INT
 |-- bearing: DOUBLE
 |-- features: RAW('org.apache.flink.ml.linalg.Vector', '...'), 2024-06-15 
00:47:15 Cause: Incompatible types for sink column 'features' at position 0.
2024-06-15 00:47:15
2024-06-15 00:47:15 Query schema: [features: 
RAW('org.apache.flink.ml.linalg.Vector', '...')]
2024-06-15 00:47:15 Sink schema:  [features: 
RAW('org.apache.flink.ml.linalg.Vector', '...')]

Thierry FOKOU |  IT M.A.Sc Student

Département de génie logiciel et TI

École de technologie supérieure  |  Université du Québec

1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest

Montréal (Québec)  H3C 1K3


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