On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Joao
Ferreira<jmcferre...@critical-links.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> is i18n supported in any form by Forrest ? could anyone point me to some
> docs or best practices on Internationalizing a document written with
> Forrest ?
> at my company we are on the verge on starting translating our documents
> and I'dd like to get my hands on the biggest issues and understand
> exactlly how Forrest would help us on this...
> I'm realy a beginner in this issue, but I need to get into this matter
> to understandf just how we will do this... it seems a big and complex
> task.
> THX for any pointers.

Have you tried playing around with the sample[1]?  It might give you a
good idea of how things work..

I also found this issue[2] that led to that page's creation.  I'm not
sure why it was decided to put it only as a sample and not with the
real docs.  We should probably change that.


[1] - http://forrest.zones.apache.org/ft/build/forrest-seed/samples-c/i18n.html
[2] - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOR-707