Re: Error unmarshaling return when attempting to deploy ear file; then Geronimo server hangs

2011-05-06 Thread WinnieNicklaus
Well, I can't make the application available, but looking in var/log/geronimo.out did turn up something that looks interesting. When I try to start the application, as I said the server hangs. At that time, this shows up in geronimo.out: 14:51:22,243 ERROR [ManagerBase] IOException while loading

Error unmarshaling return when attempting to deploy ear file; then Geronimo server hangs

2011-05-02 Thread WinnieNicklaus
I am attempting to deploy an application EAR. I have successfully deployed deployment plans to repository/console/dbpool and repository/console/jms, and am attempting to deploy the application EAR to repository/default/. The command I am using is java -jar /bin/deployer.jar --user --password d

Re: GBeans fails with missing dependency, but it's shown in the Console

2011-04-29 Thread WinnieNicklaus
Thanks for the tips. Even though I'm using Geronimo 2.0.1, I was able to get the PostgreSQL library downloaded and installed through the Services > Database Pools route. The error about not resolving the dependency was apparently due to trying to deploy the application while not having the Geroni

Re: GBeans fails with missing dependency, but it's shown in the Console

2011-04-28 Thread WinnieNicklaus
So, all three of the following fail with that error message: java -jar /bin/deployer.jar --user --password deploy resources_deployment_plans/deploy_ds.xml /repository/org/tranql/tranql-connector-ra/1.3/tranql-connector-ra-1.3.rar java -jar /bin/deployer.jar --user --password deploy resources_

GBeans fails with missing dependency, but it's shown in the Console

2011-04-27 Thread WinnieNicklaus
I am re-posting this because I originally posted it in the wrong place and then moved it into the Users forum, and I fear it did not get sent to the mailing list. My apologies if you have already received this. Hi, I am very new to Geronimo. I have set it up to deploy a particu