
I forget to also mention the change of the Gernimo deployment plan that I have 

            <role role-name="administrator">
                <principal name="administrator" designated-run-as="true"
                <principal name="root"

Best regards,
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Hallo Geronimo users,

I have tried to test a simple example concerning role-based security with 
Geronimo and havn't succeed. Maybe my example is wrong or my Geronimo 
configuration. I hope, some of you can help me.
I want to restrict access to the Url secure/start by allowing only the role 
'adimistrator' to access them. An excerpt from my web.xml is:


Only the role administrator should be able to access http://.../secure/start. 
Now I have created a new security realm MySecurityRealm with Geronimo using 
Gernimo administration console (login module class 

The users file contains the following users:

The groups file contains the following group mappings:

For the deployment I used the default deployment plan that can be obtained by 
clicking the 'usage' link under MySecuriryRealm.

When I access the /secure/start Url of the web application I'm initially asked 
for the password - okay. When I provide wrong password information, I'm 
directed to the error page - okay. But when I provide valid login information 
for both users, secUser and secUser2, I get access to the secure/start page. In 
my opinion, secUser2 should be forbidden to access this page. In a nutshell, 
all authenticated users can enter my applications, even if they don't belong to 
my group 'adimistrator'.
Hopefully, there is an easy solution.

Best regards,


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