Re: Cannot use @Ejb inside a war in a different ear

2008-12-02 Thread dinotoa
Thanks for the answer. Actually I tried to put de dependency you mentioned, but the ejb isn't injected either :-( Other AS, such as weblogic, don't need any special configuration for beans in a different ear and actually, I think this should be the normal behaviour, most of the bean you inject ar

Re: Cannot use @Ejb inside a war in a different ear

2008-12-01 Thread David Jencks
Hi dinotoa, ejb jars don't have separate moduleIds separate from the ear containing them. Your dependency needs to be on Duel A 2.0 car at the ear level. I think you may need some geronimo xml

Cannot use @Ejb inside a war in a different ear

2008-12-01 Thread dinotoa
I have two different ears, ear A contains an ejb module and the following geronimo-application.xml"; xmlns:sys=""; application-name="A"> Duel