I told you rt...I'm lucky! It was successful! Thanks.
I'm not sure if you're reporting an error or just saying that it
completed successfully. If the latter, great! :)
- sachin
On Dec 22, 2005, at 12:36 PM, Bharath Duggirala wrote:
Sachin, I continued to build the plug-in today and I'm
lucky...below is the final trace of the build process o
Sachin, I continued to build the plug-in today and I'm lucky...below is the final trace of the build process on WIN 2K.
sitedistro: [echo] Packaging feature for update site [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Eclipse_Plugins\eclipse-plugin\assembly\target\distributions\updates\plugins [checksum]
Yes, you're correct. Change that to 2.0-SNAPSHOT. Are you building
on Windows? If so theres a known problem on that platform that was
brought to my attention yesterday, you'll want to build on a a
different platform until I get a chance to fix it.
- sachin
On Dec 20, 2005, at 9:55 PM,
Hi Sachin, I tried the option 2, u've mentioned. But still I get an error for open-ejb dependencies.
I do have those jars locally. I guess its related to the jars naming. The local repo has openejb-builder-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar while the plug-in is looking for openejb-builder-2.0.jar. Am I rt?
Yes, I removed the dependencies to the snapshots, but looks like a little to prematurely as each of those jars are not in the remote repo. You can either(1) build the server locally to have those jars in your local repo(2) modify etc/project.properties and change geronimo.version=1.0 to geronimo.v
I tried to build the eclipse plug-in by following http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/Eclipse_Tools
However, I get the following error. Any clue on what could be cause of the error?
C:\Eclipse_Plugins\eclipse-plugin>maven build __ __| \/ |__ _Apache__ ___| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \ ~ intelligent pr