How to specify filtering in hbase "query" during input superstep

2015-09-08 Thread Vitaly Tsvetkoff
Hello! I use giraph-hbase and write custom CustomHBaseTableInputFormat. I want to apply some filters (like o.a.h.hbase.filter.RowFilter, FamilyFilter etc) to get clear data after the "query". For example, I want to get only vertex with specifying rowkey id. Is it possible? I try to do it like this:

Problem with big datasets on cloudera yarn cluster

2015-07-20 Thread Vitaly Tsvetkoff
Hello everyone 1more time! I am a newbie in hadoop and giraph and I wrote my custom giraph algorithm CustomWeighredPageRank, one of the PageRank modifications and CustomInputFormat for it (i put it in giraph-examples jar). I successfully run it on cloudera yarn cluster (4 machine, each one has 6 co

Run custom project using giraph on yarn cluster

2015-07-16 Thread Vitaly Tsvetkoff
Hello everyone! Apache Giraph is the most useful framework dealing with bigdata graphs. But I have some difficulties about how to use it in my own custom project. Little story about what has already done. I download giraph-1.2.0 and build the next: *mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip=