My Giraph jobs hang, and the logs are given at the bottom of this e-mail.
This is same as JIRA - GIRAPH-806. 

I observed that there is a patch available for this problem:
But when I try to apply the patch on top of Giraph 1.0.0:
I face the problem that the patch has been provided on a nightly build dated 
---> 1390205044000 ( I did not understand this date format), and not on Giraph 

What should I do now?Someone please help....

RegardsPuneet, IIT Delhi

2014-11-22 16:07:32,815 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:07:32,816 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:08:35,142 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:08:35,142 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:09:38,664 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:09:38,664 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:10:39,306 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:10:39,306 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:11:44,991 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:11:44,991 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:12:51,233 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:12:51,233 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:13:53,656 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:13:53,656 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:14:59,414 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:14:59,414 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:16:00,062 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:16:00,062 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:17:06,549 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:17:06,549 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:18:13,189 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:18:13,189 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:19:16,315 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:19:16,315 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:20:17,872 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:20:17,872 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:21:19,960 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:21:19,960 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:22:23,200 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:22:23,200 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:23:24,516 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:23:24,516 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:24:25,111 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:24:25,111 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:25:31,537 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:25:31,537 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:26:32,954 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:26:32,954 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:27:34,498 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:27:34,499 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 
2014-11-22 16:28:41,349 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Future result not ready yet java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@d996e77
2014-11-22 16:28:41,349 INFO org.apache.giraph.utils.ProgressableUtils: 
waitFor: Waiting for 


     On Tuesday, November 18, 2014 8:21 AM, Puneet Agarwal 
<> wrote:

 Hi All,
First of all, I want the thank this forums (in particular Matthew) for helping 
me resolve a problem related to Aggregators in Giraph.Here, I shareanother big, 
problem for which I have no clue on how to solve:

Sometimes my Giraph jobs hang, because some workers wait for another worker, 
and that worker waits for something else, and I noticed that this is similar to 
Jira issue - GIRAPH-806. I observed that there is a patch available for this 

But when I try to apply the patch on top of Giraph 1.0.0:
I face the problem that the patch has been provided on a nightly build dated 
---> 1390205044000 ( I did not understand this date format), and not on Giraph 

a.    Should I upgrade to 1.1.0 ( when it becomes available)?b.    I upgrade to 
nightly build of 1390205044000, and then apply this patch?c.    What is the 
suggested way out for me now?
- Puneet

  • GIRAPH 806 Patch Puneet Agarwal
    • Re: GIRAPH 806 How to Apply Patch ?? Patch not on Gira... Puneet Agarwal

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