Random nodemanager crashes SIGSEGV

2016-08-22 Thread Daniel Haviv
Hi, In the last 24 hours our node managers keep crashing due to SIGSEGV. The only info I could find was in the hs_err_.pid files which includes the following java stack: Stack: [0x7f756a30f000,0x7f756a41], sp=0x7f756a40dea0, free space=1019k Native frames: (J=compiled

Re: ACCEPTED: waiting for AM container to be allocated, launched and register with RM

2016-08-22 Thread rammohan ganapavarapu
Thank you all, I have updated my oozie job.properties to use 8030 and now i am getting below error 2016-08-22 17:22:02,893 INFO org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceTrackerService: NodeManager from node slave03(cmPort: 40511 httpPort: 8042) registered with capability:

Re: ACCEPTED: waiting for AM container to be allocated, launched and register with RM

2016-08-22 Thread Sunil Govind
HI Ram RM logs looks fine and as per config it looks like RM is running on 8030 itself. I am not very sure about the oozie end config which you mentioned. I suggest you could check the config end more and debug there. Also will let other community folks to pitch in if they have some other

Re: ACCEPTED: waiting for AM container to be allocated, launched and register with RM

2016-08-22 Thread rammohan ganapavarapu
any thoughts from the logs and config I have shared? On Aug 21, 2016 8:32 AM, "rammohan ganapavarapu" wrote: > so in job.properties what is the jobtracker property, is it RM ip: port or > scheduler port which is 8030, if I use 8030 I am getting unknown protocol > proto

Can I run a process under impersonation ?

2016-08-22 Thread canan chen
I'd like to use UGI.doAs to implement impersonation. But it seems I can not run a process in doAs. The following is my code, the impersonation works if I call the FileSystem api directly, but it doesn't work if I run it in a process. Could anyone help me on that ? Thanks val ugi =