Hi everyone,
I was wondering if hadoop 2 contains any mechanisms for restricting the
nodes that task JVMs are launched on. YARN seems to expose the ability to
procure containers on specific hosts through its API, but does the hadoop 2
jobtracker allow you to choose hosts to run on?
Robert Chu
spath' adds) against either a
psuedo-distributed-mode cluster or against the MiniYARNCluster. Running
applications with the correct hadoop classpath seems to have made any
SecretManager errors go away.
Robert Chu
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 4:53 AM, Oleg Zhurakousky <
Am I doing something dumb here and is this not related to security tokens?
If not, is there documentation or good examples around how to use security
tokens while launching an application?
Robert Chu