hadoop version 2.4.1.
I have tested the snapshot.
1. upload file, /tmp/test.avi
2. create snapshot, /tmp snap1
3. delete file, /tmp/test.avi
4. moved to the Trash, /user/hadoop/.Trash/tmp/test.avi
5. file deleted in trash.
6. but, blocks is not deleted in datanode disk. why??
7. delete snap
I installed version 2.4.1.
I found the following information in the datanode log file.
But, cluster is healthy.
*** datanode log
2014-07-21 15:43:27,365 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage:
Data-node version: -55 and name-node layout version: -56
hadoop version 2.4.1
Network is in good condition.
What causes the session timeout?
** DFSZKFailoverController logs2014-08-11 17:20:13,226 DEBUG
org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Got ping response for sessionid:
0x147a0162d86000c after 0ms2014-08-11 17:20:27,012 INFO