
I am setting up multiple test environments composed of Hbase/OpenTSDB. Each 
test environment consists of 1 stand alone Hbase server and 1 to n OpenTSDB 
servers. The issue I am having is getting the Hbase region server to resolve to 
the IPv4 address on eth0, as opposed to The OpenTSDB clients all 
think the region server they are looking for is at, when it is 
actually on another IP. Zookeeper on the stand alone Hbase server reports the 
region server in the meta table as (at least this is how I 
interpreted the message). See log from OpenTSDB below:

2016-02-10 15:14:40,513 INFO  [Hashed wheel timer 
#2-SendThread(ubuntu8.packetfabric.com:2181)] ClientCnxn: Session establishment 
complete on server hostname.domain.com/1 
<http://ubuntu8.packetfabric.com/1>.111.111.11:2181, sessionid = 
0x152cd76fea40029, negotiated timeout = 5000
2016-02-10 15:14:40,515 INFO  [Hashed wheel timer #2-EventThread] HBaseClient: 
Connecting to .META. region @
2016-02-10 15:14:40,516 WARN  [New I/O boss #34] HBaseClient: Couldn't connect 
to the RegionServer @
2016-02-10 15:14:40,516 INFO  [New I/O boss #34] HBaseClient: Lost connection 
with the .META. region
2016-02-10 15:14:40,516 INFO  [New I/O worker #22] HBaseClient: Invalidated 
cache for .META. as null still seems to be splitting or closing it.
2016-02-10 15:14:40,516 ERROR [New I/O boss #34] RegionClient: Unexpected 
exception from downstream on [id: 0xad59dc8e]
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: /

I have tried setting the host name in /etc/hosts on the stand alone Hbase 
server to the appropriate IPv4 address, and setting the IPv4 address in 
conf/regionserver. However, neither seems to get Zookeeper to report the region 
server accurately though. I have restarted Hbase after changing each. The docs 
aren’t completely clear (at least to me) how Hbase determines what IP to put in 
Meta as the address for the region server. Would greatly appreciate some help 
understanding/clarification on how to get this set correctly. 


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