About HBASE-12949 - Scanner can be stuck in infinite loop if the HFile is corrupted

2016-11-28 Thread Chang Chen
Hi jerry we met the similar issue with HBASE-12949, I guess compaction thread is in the endless loop, because the CPU load is quite higher than usual. However, I can not understand why KeyValueHeap.generalizedSeek() has a endless loop, from the codes: boolean seekResult; if

How does HBase manage Memstore

2015-08-01 Thread Chang Chen
Hi All How does HBase flush memstore besides the configuration in [hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size]? I believe we set flush size to 64M, but I find many *small* memstore flush logs as below 2015-06-25 10:19:09,243 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion: Finished memstore flush of