Lily is based on HBase. 

--- On Thu, 9/27/12, Jason Huang <> wrote:

From: Jason Huang <>
Subject: HBase and Lily?
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2012, 1:58 PM


I am exploring HBase & Lily and I have a few starter questions hoping
to get some help from users in this group who had tried that before:

(1) Do I need to post all the HBase table contents to Lily (treat Lily
as another DataStore) in order to enable the index and search
functionality? If so, that's going to be another big storage issue
(and duplicate storage?)

(2) Should I always only allow one way update from Clients -> HBase ->
Lily? I want to use HBase as the data store and use Lily only as a
plug-in tool to help search. I want HBase to only accept updates from
Clients (not from Lily). Is there any update from Lily to HBase
required (in order to enable the search and index functionality)?

(3) Since Lily is not an Apache project - do you know if it's under
Apache 2.0 license? We may need to extend it with our own APIs. Do we
"have to" give our APIs back to them? We love sharing but some of our
APIs may be under different agreements and can't be shared.



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