While generating some load against a library that makes extensive use of
HTablePool in 0.92, I noticed that the largest heap consumer was
java.lang.ref.Finalizer.  Digging in, I discovered that HTablePool's
internal PooledHTable extends HTable, which instantiates a
ThreadPoolExecutor and supporting objects every time a pooled HTable is
retrieved.  Since ThreadPoolExecutor has a finalizer, it and its
dependencies can't get garbage collected until the finalizer runs.  The
result is by using HTablePool, we're creating a ton of objects to be
finalized that are stuck on the heap longer than they should be, creating
our largest source of pressure on the garbage collector.  It looks like
this will also be a problem in 0.94 and trunk.

Anyway, I started on the obvious patch, which is to have PooledHTable
implement HTableInterface rather than derive from HTable, but ran afoul of
a unit test that asserts items returned from HTablePool must be HTable
instances -- I'm presuming this is for some historical passivity need.  Is
it worth logging a JIRA to track this (non-passive) change?  Perhaps
there's another approach I should be taking?  For the time being I will
probably move forward by creating my own version of HTablePool (in a
separate package) to avoid the issue at hand, since it's otherwise a good
fit for my needs.

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