HBase jmx stats

2011-05-23 Thread Tim Sell
I am collecting hbase stats from jmx. Here's an example of the compaction stats from one of the region servers... compactionQueueSize 0 compactionSizeAvgTime 19349729 compactionSizeMaxTime 566512933 compactionSizeMinTime 0 compactionSizeNumOps8 compactionTimeAvgTime 83 compactionT

Re: duplicate HBASE_OPTS

2011-02-24 Thread Tim Sell
have made a jira for this here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-3561 On 24 February 2011 11:42, Tim Sell wrote: > Hi, > I'm using trunk > > I've been trying to pass a javaagent in by configuring it in hbase-env.sh > I've noticed some weird behaviour. It s

duplicate HBASE_OPTS

2011-02-24 Thread Tim Sell
Hi, I'm using trunk I've been trying to pass a javaagent in by configuring it in hbase-env.sh I've noticed some weird behaviour. It seems to start three agents, which with the agent I really want to use seems to be breaking it, it never quite starts. I created a hello world agent and I noticed th

Most useful metrics?

2011-02-09 Thread Tim Sell
What do people find to be the most useful metrics for monitoring their cluster? Both for performance and long term planning. Presumably requests and disk-space are high up the list. Is there any useful ones that aren't covered by the metrics package? ~Tims

Hug meetup notes

2010-07-02 Thread Tim Sell
I took some note from the HUG the other day. Blogged: http://nectarius.net/2010/07/02/hbase-status/