What is the difference between HBase and Hadoop+HBase? HBase runs on
top of Hadoop components.

Also, first answer us this question, before we answer yours: Will your
"SQL Server" scale linearly as you add more machines? Can it easily
scale horizontally and vertically?

Seems to me like you're comparing the wrong elements in deciding what
platform to base your application on. If you could explain what you
wish to do, and what data sizes you expect to work with, we can
provide a better answer.

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 5:06 PM, iwannaplay games
<funnlearnfork...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone give the clear idea about these comparisons on same hardware &
> software configuration.
>                                                          Sql server
> hbase        hadoop+hbase
> data compression                                     ?
> ?                    ?                              (yes/no,if all yes
> where it is more effective)
> Online back ups                                        ?
> ?                   ?
> Security                                                   ?
> ?                     ?                       (which is more secure and
> more controllable)
> Batch Queries execution time                    ?
> ?                     ?                           (where time consumption
> will b more for aggregates)
> Let me know if i need to consider any benefit of hadoop/hbase over sql
> server
> Thanks & Regards
> Prabhjot

Harsh J

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