Thank you for your reply.
@Ted actually i am implementing Authentication Handler to secure HBase Rest
service gateway. I don't have any idea to secure HBase thrift server with
authentication. I don't want to enable security for HBase services but i
want to secure HBase rest service alone. How can
The reason your custom authentication does not work is probably due
to HBASE-12231. It does not get invoked.
The code snippet that Ted copied is inside "if keberos security". The
itself can handle custom authentication class. But AuthFilter is not added
in your case.
On Wed
>From :
if (conf.get(REST_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE) != null) {
containerClass = RESTServletContainer.class;
FilterHolder authFilter = new FilterHolder();
I want to enable custom authentication for HBase rest server in a normal
cluster (not secured)
I have implemented custom authentication class by implementing Hadoop
Authentication Handler
I have set the property
But still it didn't