Hi Lei,

The partition is already in M state as transition was completed quite
sometime back. Now, only 1 partition in the participant needs to be moved
to ERROR state as some I/O exception has happened. So is there any API that
the participant could call to mark this particular partition in ERROR so
helix controller can start doing reassignments?


On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 7:55 AM Lei Xia <xiax...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Imran
>    You can simply throw out an exception from your M->S state transition,
> then Helix will mark it as ERROR.
> Lei
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 4:41 AM Imran S. Shah <imransa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I have implemented a standard Master-Slave model. Now let's say my
>> partitions are in Master state, but however due to some errors (out of disk
>> space for a particular partition on the participant), I would like the
>> participant to transition the state to error. However, looking at the
>> documentation it doesn't look like there is a method that I could call.
>> Updating the state on the model just updates the local variable and doesn't
>> notify the controller.
>> Any pointers or examples would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Imran
> --
> Lei Xia

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