Not really. If it was a single column with no counters, Hive provides an option
to use percentile. So basically if the data was like -
But if we have 2 columns, one that maintain the value and the other that
maintains the count, how can Hive be used to derive the per
You can check the exact reason from job log, but generally, it's
caused by missing libs in auxlib conf.
Thar includes hive-hbase-handler.jar, hbase-*.jar, guava-*.jar,
zookeeper-*.jar, etc. ,varying the version of your hive and hbase.
2014-03-20 3:42 GMT+09:00 Sunil Ranka :
> Hi Al
not a hive question is it? its more like a math question.
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Seema Datar wrote:
> I understand the percentile function is supported in Hive in the latest
> versions. However, how does once calculate percentiles when the data is
> across two columns. So say
I understand the percentile function is supported in Hive in the latest
versions. However, how does once calculate percentiles when the data is across
two columns. So say -
Value Count
100 2 ( so basically 100 occurred twice)
200 4
300 1
400 6
500 3
I want to find out the 0.25 percentile
the URL to describe a table should be
.../database//table/? but your exception happens
before the URL problem.
Have you checked property in webhat-site.xml?
does hive.metastore.uris there point at the right location for your
templeton.libjars is translate
Hi All
I am trying to query External Hive Table created on hbase ( hbase table is
compressed using "gzip") . I am getting quick response, if I use "select *
from hbase_acct_pref_dim_", but the query is taking for ever if I try to
retrieve data based on the row_key.
hive> select * from hbase
Is there a firm release date for Hive 13? I know there was talk several
weeks ago about cutting a branch and looking at stability.
Bryan Jeffrey
from the mail thread's last line
The correct fix would be to have 1 reducer in case of a Cartesian
hack to avoid this was (1 = 1). I think that's been taken care by the
hash partitioner to go to single reducer.
Other option (atleast for me) looks like to go PIG script. Never tried
so yo
Hey Nitin,
Yong wrote exactly the oppsoite in his first sentence:
*Cross join doesn't mean Hive has to use one reduce.*
and this super old thread here lets me also assume that there can be used
more than one reducer:
I am trying to archive a partition in a hive table, but it keeps failing.
Env: Hadoop 2.2.0, Amazon EMR, Hive 0.11.0
The sequence of commands in hive is here:
hive> set hive.archive.enabled=true;
hive> set hive.archive.har.parentdir.settable=true;
hive> set har.partfile.size=1073741824;
hey Wolli,
sorry missed this one.
as Yong already replied, cross join always uses only one reducer.
If you want to avoid this can you just try it to make full outer join with
on condition (1 = 1) ? and see if you get your desired result
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:05 PM, fab wol wrote:
> anyon
still haven't solved this problem. Any help is appreciated.
2014-03-14 10:55 GMT+01:00 fab wol :
> Hey Nitin,
> in import1 are at least 1.2 mio rows, with almost the same amount of
> distinct id's and approxametly 40k distinct keywords. et_keywords contains
> roundabout
12 matches
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