   Recently I study hive authorization, and got some confusions:
1. Does hive 1.2.1 and later version still has grant/revoke BUG?——I found 
someone said that user needs to imply administrator privilege according to 
implements AbstractSemanticAnalyzerHook,if he want to let the administrator own 
the grant/revoke privilege only. But I also found a parameter 
"hive.users.in.admin.role",does this param makes up this deficiency?

2.Must I start up hive metastore service when SQL Standards Based Hive 
Authorization in conjunction with storage based authorization?( 
 if the two combined, “hive.server2.enable.doAs" set to false?

3.Can someone please give me a tip on this class: 
BitSetCheckAuthorizationProvider? if I can set 
 are the difference between BitSetCheckAuthorizationProvider and 

Any reply will be much appreciated.

___ Maria.

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