Hey all. I am using cloudera 5.4.something which uses hive 1.1 almost.

I am getting bit by this error:

So I am trying to update my test setup to 1.1 so I can include the

@SerDeSpec(schemaProps = {serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS,

I added this annotation. Now during my testing I am seeing this:

My serde does not read any table meta-data. It always returns the same list
of columns.

There are a lot of deeply nested columns. I have a unit test that is
creating a table using this serde.

Hive is angry:

Caused by: java.sql.SQLDataException: A truncation error was encountered
trying to shrink VARCHAR 'Video fields in beacon: vidId, vidAdViewed,
vidTime, vidStat&' to length 256.
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory40.getSQLException(Unknown
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.generateCsSQLException(Unknown Source)

Does anyone understand why Hive is attempting to edit the meta-store. It
should just always read the values from this serde, and not need to persist
the columns.

AFAIK there is NO documentation anywhere as to what schema props should be
set when....

What does serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS, do? When should someone use it? When
should someone not use it?

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