Re: ORC Table creation failure

2015-05-21 Thread vivek veeramani
Hi Abe, The column in the WHERE clause is also string. I tried creating without any filters, just a CTAS and that failed too. Thanks, Vivek On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 7:47 PM, Abe Weinograd wrote: > I think your WHERE clause is having casting issues. Is that column of the > right data type? Can

Re: ORC Table creation failure

2015-05-21 Thread Abe Weinograd
I think your WHERE clause is having casting issues. Is that column of the right data type? Can you run the SELECT by itself without the CREATE TABLE? Abe On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 11:23 PM, vivek veeramani <> wrote: > > Hi , > > I'm trying to create a subset table fro

ORC Table creation failure

2015-05-20 Thread vivek veeramani
Hi , I'm trying to create a subset table from a master table which is stored in ORC format. The query I'm using is : CREATE TABLE tab_20150510 STORED AS ORC AS SELECT * FROM master_tab WHERE col_id_60 <> '2015-05-20'; The master table is a table with 60 columns with all string data type but 1 c