Re: Sqoop: SQL Server to Hive import

2016-09-14 Thread Mich Talebzadeh
In all probability sqoop loses connection to the path of file on hdfs. if the file is there then you can create a hive external table to it and do an insert/select from that table to the target hive table. you can also bcp out data from MSSQL table scp the file into HDFS and load it from there

Sqoop: SQL Server to Hive import

2016-09-14 Thread Priyanka Raghuvanshi
We are importing SQL server data into hive using Sqoop.Usually, it works but in a scenario throws following exception: FAILED: SemanticException Line 2:17 Invalid path ''hdfs://server_name.local:8020/user/root/_STC_CurrentLocation'': No files matching path