
This is currently by design that cache configuration, of which cache store
configuration is a part, cannot be changed after the cache is started.

Ilya Kasnacheev

ср, 16 дек. 2020 г. в 04:29, xmw45688 <xw...@procurant.com>:

> Thank you for your answer.  I'm able to load the data from Cassandra to
> Ignite Cache stores using Cache.loadfull(....).  This works well for the
> use
> cases where 3rd party persistence store is used first, then Ignite Native
> Persistence store is used with 3rd party persistence together later.
> However, the configuration of 3rd party persistence store along with Ignite
> Native Persistence store appears to be stored inside the Native Persistence
> Store or somewhere, any changes in xml configuration will not propagate to
> the 3rd party data store.  For example, adding a new column to an ignite
> cache, the data for this newly added column is not saved in the 3rd party
> persistence store when the data in is saved into the Ignite Native
> Persistence Store.  In order to save the new added data for this new
> column,
> the existing cache need be destroyed and created.  This works for caching
> small sets of data.  It's probably not practically to destroy a cache with
> huge data set and recreate the cache again.
> I don't know what I've missed, or this is by design.  If it's by design,
> I'd
> like to request an enhance so that the configuration can be dynamically
> read
> from xml file when the Ignite Native Persistence store is configured with a
> 3rd party store together.
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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