Re: cache <- Db [ raised exception...]

2019-06-21 Thread Aat
- it's working - but i m going to search if i can define multiple cacheSession With != source cache 1 Link to DB 1 cache 2 link To DB 2 Cheers -- Sent from:

Re: cache <- Db [ raised exception...]

2019-06-21 Thread Aat
new exception = new re-search : vHibernate: select definition0_.code as code1_0_0_, definition0_.currency as currency2_0_0_, definition0_.eliot_id as eliot_id3_0_0_, definition0_.eliot_type as eliot_ty4_0_0_ from DEFINITION definition0_ where definition0_.code=?

Re: cache <- Db [ raised exception...]

2019-06-21 Thread Aat
I change strategy by setting cacheStoreSessionListener to my ignit config => ignite cluster

cache <- Db [ raised exception...]

2019-06-21 Thread Aat
Hello, i try to load data from my dB into my cache : config sample : __ ...

Re: cache is moved to a read-only state

2019-03-11 Thread Aat
No - All my servers was available. I change cache config. -- Sent from:

Re: cache is moved to a read-only state

2019-03-08 Thread Aat
visor> cache -slp -c=marketData Lost partitions for cache: marketData (12) +=+ | Interval |Partitions| +=+ | 86-816 | 86, 115, 241, 469,

Re: cache is moved to a read-only state

2019-03-08 Thread Aat
from git : PartitionLossPolicy partLossPlc = grp.config().getPartitionLossPolicy(); if (grp.needsRecovery() && !recovery) { if (!read && (partLossPlc == READ_ONLY_SAFE || partLossPlc == READ_ONLY_ALL)) return new IgniteCheckedException("Failed to write to

Re: cache is moved to a read-only state

2019-03-08 Thread Aat
my MarketData services is splitted into four publishers : who put values in the same cache. Maybe Cache does not support concurrency write ? __ public class CacheConfig extends CacheConfiguration { setCacheMode(CacheMode.PARTITIONED); setGroupName("quotationFeed");

cache is moved to a read-only state

2019-03-08 Thread Aat
Hello, after 5 minutes i have this exception : 2541 javax.cache.CacheException: class org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException: Failed to write to cache (cache is moved to a read-only state): marketData 2542 at

JVM will be halted immediately due to the failure

2019-02-22 Thread Aat
Hello, Need Help to understand what happens on my cluster in production : after 3h - A node stopped to work. __ org.h2.message.DbException: General error: "class org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.tree.CorruptedTreeException: Runtime failure on row: Row@3caa8991[ key:

Re: nodes getting disconnected from cluster

2019-01-31 Thread Aat
It's works. Thanks -- Sent from:

Re: Client and server authentication

2019-01-29 Thread Aat
you have to create a plugin or buy - ent solution ! -- Sent from:

SQL Query | Cache | Partition - strange exception after 3 days in production

2019-01-28 Thread Aat
class FarVE implements Serializable { @QuerySqlField(index = true) private LocalDate arDate; @QuerySqlField private Double delta; @QuerySqlField(index = true) private String perimeter; } __ sorry if this error has already been evoked but i search and i did not found answer. Aat, -- Sent from: