Re: Ignite Stopping Abruptly

2021-07-06 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You enabled eager TTL, which means you have a background thread that cleans expired entries. The message you copied from the log says the TTL thread was blocked for more than IgniteConfiguration/sysWorkerBlockedTimeout, which by default equals IgniteConfiguration/failureDetectionTimeout, which by

Re: Server stuck while joining cluster

2021-07-03 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Check if you have active transactions running on your Server3 at the time when Servers 1 and 2 are trying to join. Servers wait for active transactions to complete before joining the cluster and if a transaction takes longer than the join timeout (10 seconds by default) the joining node would be se

Re: persistent caches not rebalancing when new node is added

2021-06-26 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Alan, My understanding is you have to rebalance caches with rebalanceDelay set to -1 manually. I did not find the "rebalance" command in the control script documentation . As I remember, the Web Console and Client Center from GridGain hav

Re: Programmatically triggering of write behind

2021-06-09 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Cache expiry policy evicts entries only from the cache and native persistent store: the external DB is not modified. So your expiry policy has nothing to do with write-behind. If you want to evict entries from both the cache and external DB you may consider implementing such a policy as a replicat

Apache Ignite Workshop: Developing Applications That Are Easy to Manage

2020-12-03 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Igniters, FYI: next Wednesday, December 9 2020 at 21:00 UTC+3 I am giving an Apache Ignite Workshop "Developing Applications That Are Easy to Manage". Use this link to register: Abstract T

Re: Ignite Data Streamer Kafka version 2.0

2019-01-15 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi Mahesh, I do not think Kafka streamer uses any 2.x specific Kafka client APIs. From what you say I think kafka-client-1.1 (that Ignite 2.7 uses) cannot connect to Kafka 2.x cluster. Can you manually replace kafka-client-1.1.jar with kafka-client-2.0 jar on the Kafka streamer side and see if it

Re: Difference between Ignite Kafka Streamer and Kafka consumer (2.0)

2019-01-14 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
About your question "/What is difference between Ignite Kafka Streamer and Kafka consumer?/": Kafka Consumer is Kafka API to poll data from Kafka while Ignite Kafka Streamer is a complete solution to stream data from Kafka into Ignite. Internally Kafka Streamer starts one or many Kafka Consumers an

Re: Rebalancing in Ignite (Cache loader are executing instead of just rebalancing)

2018-02-19 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Prasad, I am not aware about anything like what you described in Ignite (may be Community will help). To me Ignite servers work as a cluster and having a server doing something that other servers do not breaks the cluster definition . I would really c

Re: Rebalancing in Ignite (Cache loader are executing instead of just rebalancing)

2018-02-19 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
I am not sure if it helps - please note that: - loadCache() shall be called once. Call it on a client node and not on the server nodes. What loadCache() does it just broadcasts request to invoke CacheStore's loadCache() on every server node. - loadCache() is optional - you use it if yo

Re: Stale class on ignite data node

2018-02-19 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Right now the only way to avoid re-deploying entity classes when they change is using Ignite Binary Object API to work with entities.

Re: Ignite with mariadb

2018-02-19 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Do you want to use mariadb as Ignite's cache store (3-rd party persistence)? You can use whatever you want if you implement your custom cache store. You might also try using out-of-the-box CacheJdbcPojoStore. It already supports DB2, Oracle, SQK Server, H2 and MySQL. It looks like mariadb should be

Re: How to stop explicitly write behind

2018-02-16 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Matt, I think it is CacheStoreAdapter that should handle such a requirement. Implement your CacheStoreAdapter to handle the underlying storage being out of service. Ignite will continue calling CacheStoreAdapter's methods but they would not go to the underlying store.

Re: Affinity Key Annotation

2018-02-16 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Michael, data colocation work like this: - Ignite caches have partitions assignments so that primary partitions with same ID are assigned to the same physical location (node). - When you put/get data to a cache, Ignite maps value of a field annotated with @AffinityKeyMapped to a partit

Re: BinaryInvalidTypeException

2018-02-15 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
1. Peer class loading is applicable only to computational code and not to the cache key and value types. In your case enabling peer class loading helped you to auto-deploy your IgniteCallable but it is not supposed to auto-deploy your Person cache value type. 2. You can avoid manuall

Re: 100% Consistency

2018-02-15 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
It is fully consistent only in "full sync" backup update mode but not in "primary sync" or "async" modes. Relaxing consistency requirements would give you better performance. Consider if your app really needs full consistency and configure the backup update mode correspondingly.

Re: Primary key bug

2018-01-17 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, there might be a misunderstanding here of how Ignite SQL grid is implemented. Please note that Ignite does not use H2 as a storage. Ignite uses H2 only as a parser and planner. H2 hands a parsed and planned statement over to Ignite and then Ignite maps the statement to get/put/create cache/etc.

Re: Primary key bug

2018-01-17 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Ignite's PRIMARY KEY does not map to H2 PRIMARY KEY constraint so you not seeing a primary key in H2 is OK. Ignite's PRIMARY KEY designates a binary object that Ignite SQL Grid will create for the underlying data grid cache key. Thus, in your example you will end up with two binary objects stored

Re: IgniteDataStreamer

2018-01-15 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Thank you Thomas, I did not even know the star "*" makes a CacheConfiguration bean registered as a template. I am not sure Ignite has it documented anywhere.

Re: IgniteDataStreamer

2018-01-15 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
I do not think there is a way to add a cache template via XML configuration file. You have to write code ignite.addCacheConfiguration(cacheTemplate) where cacheTemplate is an instance of CacheConfiguration that you reference from CREATE TABLE ... WITH "template=NAME" by NAME.

Re: Is the default memory region always there ?

2018-01-11 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Default memory region is always there even if you add more user-defined data regions. If you are not going to use it at all and not happy with the memory still allocated to the default region you can specify a smaller amount of memory allocated for the default region as described here

Re: Ignite Upgrade from 1.9 to 2.3

2018-01-11 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Ignite native persistence replaces Swapping feature from Ignite 1.x. Use native persistence instead of swapping (remove "swapPath" configuration and enable persistence). "swapPath" setting in Ignite 2.x has different semantics: specifying a "swapPath" makes Ignite use memory mapped file for the da

Re: Rest API PUT command syntax

2017-12-27 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Slava, I think what you suggested would add the "{" partyId":"P10002",...}" value as a String. My guess was Naveen had a value of a custom type. My understanding is Ignite currently does not try to cast provided value to a custom type before invoking cache.put.

Re: Rest API PUT command syntax

2017-12-27 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
I quickly looked at ignite REST implementation and it seems you can only use it to add string keys and values only. You might contact Ignite developers on the DEV list and ask to extend REST API to support keys and values of arbitrary types.

Re: Implementing security for Rest API

2017-12-27 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You need to develop a security plugin yourself or look for existing implementation outside Apache Ignite. The is a blog post on how to develop a security plugin. Ignite docs provide some basic info on plugins

Re: How to Load Data from DataBase to Ignite which have native persistence enabled

2017-12-25 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You can configure both native persistence and cache store with write-through policy but it will not provide you consistency guarantees: it would be possible that some data is persisted in one store but not the other if a failure occurred. Do you really need both persistent stores enabled? Do you u

Re: How to do 'stream processing' and more questions of a Ignite newbie

2017-12-25 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Cache#invoke(key, entryProcessor) executes the "entryProcessor" on a node where the "key" is stored. This is called "colocated processing" that allows you to offload processing from client to server nodes and avoid transferring the "key" and result over the network (although now we have to transfer

Re: Ignite 2.3 Swap Path configuration is causing issue

2017-12-21 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You will get OutOfMemory error if data does not fit into data region. Configure an eviction policy or persistence to avoid that.

Re: Ignite 2.3 Swap Path configuration is causing issue

2017-12-20 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Swapping feature was removed in Ignite v.2 since native persistence was introduced. Use native persistence to "extend" memory.

Re: Data load is very slow in ignite 2.3 compare to ignite 1.9

2017-12-20 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Memory architecture changed in release 2 and one of the consequences was Ignite now allocates memory more eagerly. Do you have enough memory on the servers? Is it possible that the amount of memory you allocated for Ignite results in Ignite reserving too much RAM on the servers so that the remainin

Re: Data load is very slow in ignite 2.3 compare to ignite 1.9

2017-12-20 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Tejas, how do you load the cache - are you using DataStreamer or SQL, JDBC or put/putAll or something else? Can you confirm - are you saying you have same cluster (same number of nodes and hardware) and after the upgrade the cache load time increased from 40 to 90 minutes?

Re: Data load is very slow in ignite 2.3 compare to ignite 1.9

2017-12-20 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Specifying "swapPath" makes Ignite use memory mapped file to store data. Memory mapped files are slower than "raw" RAM. Remove "swapPath" setting to have same configuration as you had in Ignite 1.9 (data stored in off-heap RAM).

Re: Ignite 2.3 Swap Path configuration is causing issue

2017-12-20 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
My understanding is specifying a swapPath makes data region allocated in a memory mapped file. Otherwise the data region is stored in off-heap RAM. swapPath is not about swap files used by operating systems to extend RAM. According to my understanding the behaviour you described is correct.

Re: Cannot insert data into table using JDBC

2017-12-19 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
It is a bug. Just created Sorry I forgot to create it before.

Re: Ignite caches with separate storage

2017-12-18 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You can use Ignite node attributes to define separate "logical clusters" on Ignite cluster: 1. Node attributes are defined in the Ignite configuration as a "userAttributes" map. Define an attribute, say, "group": 2. Create a Gr

Re: websession clustering and persitent store

2017-12-18 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You have to make your cluster active only after all the nodes started - otherwise there can be inconsistent updates and reads. Is it a problem to start your Tomcats after you started and activated the cluster?

Re: websession clustering and persitent store

2017-12-15 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Manuel, you just need to activate your cluster on startup as the error message suggests. In addition to the API, there is an option to use a script: "$IGNITE_HOME/bin/ --activate". Whether you need persistence is for you to decide. For me persistence is needed if:

Re: Failed to instantiate Spring XML application context

2017-12-14 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You are looking at Ignite v1 docs and that evictionPolicy cache property is deprecated in Ignite 2.3. This is how you configure eviction in Ignite 2.3 .

Re: insert so slow via JDBC thin driver

2017-12-14 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
With one server you just insert data locally. After you added the second server you started moving data over the network. Apparently putting data into local RAM is much faster than delivering same date to a remote node. Ignite is first of all a distributed system. I suggest this: configure your da

Re: BinaryMarshaller unmarshal error

2017-12-14 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You must have the service JARs on the server Ignite's classpath. Peer class loading is not applicable here. Adding the service class to binary config is not required.

Re: Memory configuration change from 80%(Ignite 2.1) to 20%(Ignite 2.3)??

2017-12-14 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
The reason to reduce default amount of memory allocated for Ignite from 80% to 20% was numerous complaints about severe performance degradation. The investigations showed that was due to remaining 20% of RAM often was not enough for the operating system and other typical enterprise utilities to ope

Re: Failed to instantiate Spring XML application context

2017-12-14 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You have a wrong class name CacheFifoEvictionPolicy. It should be FifoEvictionPolicy

Re: How to do 'stream processing' and more questions of a Ignite newbie

2017-12-14 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
1. To reduce operating costs in real enterprise environments, have a single application-agnostic Ignite cluster and multiple business function-centric applications configuring themselves in the cluster upon startup. You will have a single Ignite server configuration file including generic settings

Re: Access Cache Deployed from a server node where Cache is not deployed !!

2017-12-11 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Can you please provide more info: - Full error info copied from the log including stack trace - What do you mean by "access a cache" - can you share your code and specify which line throws the exception?

Re: IgniteDataStreamer

2017-12-11 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You can access a cache created with DDL (CREATE TABLE) from Java API including IgniteDataStreamer API by prepending "SQL_PUBLIC_" to the capitalised table name. For example, if you created a table as "create table person ... " then you can access if from Java API as ignite.dataStreamer("SQL_PUBLIC_

Re: How IGFS URIs work

2017-12-07 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Just reviewed Remote IGFS TCP client implementation - you will get load balancing if you use "igfs://myIgfs@host:port/" format but you will not get high availability. That means your connection would fail if the "host" goes down. So you have two options: 1. Hight availability IGFS client <

Re: Problem with loading data

2017-12-07 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
There is a cache configuration property "sqlEscapeAll" that might address your issue. Set it to "true" to make Ignite put all SQL query fields inside double quotes.

Re: ClassNotFoundException when using IgniteHadoopIgfsSecondaryFileSystem

2017-12-07 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
I just replied you on another thread with details on what you need to do to connect to a remote IGFS cluster. You still need Ignite configuration and Ignite-Hadoop dependencies on your spark nodes to connect to r

Re: How IGFS URIs work

2017-12-07 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
OK, I think you are missing this part : your Spark compute nodes that you say have no local Ignite still must have Ignite configuration and Ignite dependencies on the Hadoop's class path. To make your Spark no

Re: How IGFS URIs work

2017-12-06 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
That is right - you cannot use SHMEM connection type if you have no local Ignite. SHMEM means "shared memory" and requires local Ignite. Change IGFS endpoint type to TCP (below replace __HOST__ and __PORT__ with IP and port of any host running Ignite):

Re: How IGFS URIs work

2017-12-06 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
You do not need to specify the "host" part of the Hadoop URI at all if you do not want to limit processing to that specific host. Just specify "igfs://myIgfs@/" and Hadoop will load-balance the load for you across all IGFS nodes.

Re: ClassNotFoundException when using IgniteHadoopIgfsSecondaryFileSystem

2017-12-06 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, I do not see any other reasons for a "class not found" exception but the class is not on the CLASSPATH. Can you make sure "ignite-core-xxx.jar" and "ignite-hadoop-xxx.jar" are on the hadoop's CLASSPATH.

Re: How to do 'stream processing' and more questions of a Ignite newbie

2017-12-06 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, What you described sounds like an Event Processing architecture, which includes never-ending stream of input data, limited time window, analysis of data within the time window and taking an action if necessary. Ignite supports Event Processing architecture with the following components: -

Re: query operator in local node

2017-12-04 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, IgniteQuery#setLocal(true) will make the query to execute only on local node. Use IgniteCompute#affinityCall / affinityRun to send a job that would execute your local query to specific node. For example, this will execute a local query on a node where "myKey" is stored: compute.*affinityRun*

Re: Obtaining metadata about items in the cache

2017-12-04 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi Raymond, I do not think Ignite supports iterating other metadata but you could minimise IO by: - collocated processing (analyse entries locally without sending them over the network) - working with binary object representation directly (without serialisation/deserialisation) You c

Re: class org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException: Failed to find SQL table for type:

2017-12-04 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, make sure you registered key and values types with the SQL engine using CacheConfiguration#setIndexedTypes(keyClass, UserAppInfo.class)

Re: Out of memory error

2017-12-01 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, You identified the problem right: there is not enough memory to handle 15G of Postgres data on your server. Your idea to configure a memory policy to increase available memory is right but 16G is also not enough. Ignite data size is noticeably larger (up to 3 times, depends on many factors lik

Re: Index not getting created

2017-11-30 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Naveen, Your "CREATE INDEX" syntax seems valid to me. Can you start server nodes with debugging enabled, reproduce the problem and share the debug log output from the servers?

Re: Issues with multiple kafka connectors, questions regarding ignite caches

2017-11-29 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, I opened a ticket for this issue: If no one pick it up by next week then I might find time to fix it next week (although I cannot promise). I am not sure when community is going to release 2.4 but I (or anyone who fixes it) could share a branc

Re: Facing issue Ignite 2.3 and Vertex-ignite 3.5.0

2017-11-29 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, No, you cannot activate cluster through XML config. Do you really need persistence enabled? The cluster is active by default if you disable persistence. You might also consider creating a simple wrapper that would also call " --activate" to activate the cluster. In this ca

Re: Facing issue Ignite 2.3 and Vertex-ignite 3.5.0

2017-11-28 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, You can enable Ignite persistence only explicitly using a command line tool or in the code . There is a reason why enabling persistence makes cluster inactive upon startup: the reason is the data is already in Ignite. Suppose you do a "ge

Re: Ignite node crashes after one query fetches many entries from cache

2017-11-28 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Ignite Developers, I know community is developing an "Internal Problems Detection" feature . Do you know if it addresses the problem Ray described below? May be we already have a setting to prevent this

Re: Ignite DataStream vs cache putAll

2017-11-28 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, putAll just sends all data right away. DataStreamer locally builds batches of 512 entries (configurable) and does an equivalent of "putAll" for the batches as they become full. DataStreamer also retries "putAll" if it fails. DataStreamer allows you to configure server-side processing of added

Re: Compute async Job from Ignite Service and return IgniteFuture

2017-11-28 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Val, My understanding is Krzysztof asks how to call a long-running service asynchronously. It looks like right now Ignite does not support that. What do you think about extending Ignite so that we could write something like: IgniteServices services =; AsyncServiceProxy asyncPr

Re: multiple service instances in a single node

2017-11-28 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, You do not need to overprovision a service to achieve resource utilisation. Ignite will do it for you even if you have just one service instance on a node. Internally Ignite services are based on Compute grid: it will use threads from the public pool to process the service invocations. You can

Re: Ignite Service and node failure

2017-11-27 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, You do not need to always create a service proxy. You can get a proxy once and it will always find a service even if the current node where the service is deployed failed: the service would be re-deployed and the service proxy would find it on the new node. That is true even if you created a "

Re: SQL Join not giving results

2017-11-24 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
JDBC connection string is a URL. Please use question mark "?" to separate parameters list and ampersand "&" to delimit multiple parameters. Try this: jdbc:ignite:thin://*distributedJoins=true*

Re: SQL Join not giving results

2017-11-24 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Please add distributedJoins=true parameter to a connection URL when you run sqlline.

Re: SQL Join not giving results

2017-11-24 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Your data is not collocated explains why your JOIN query gets no data. By default distributed joins are disabled since it really negatively impacts performance. Please do setDistributedJoins(true) on your JOIN SqlQuery and try again. But I really encourage you to refactor your data model to m

Re: Rest API not working for GET

2017-11-24 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Please make sure: - is on the server Ignite's CLASSPATH. You can just deploy the JAR to $IGNITE_HOME/libs/user direcgtory - has public getters and setters

Re: Unable to start Hadoop Accelerator with Persistence

2017-11-23 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, I had same issue when I played with Hadoop a month ago. Developers told me it did not make sense having both Hadoop and native persistence :) However I still think we have at least a usability issue here since the exception does not tell much. Please let me know if you really need both persist

Re: Transport compression (not store compression)

2017-11-22 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Forwarding to DEV list: Ignite developers, could you please share your thoughts on how hard it is to extend Ignite to compress data on the network. On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Gordon Reid (Nine Mile) <> wrote: > Hi Igniters, > > > > I see there is a lot of

Re: Unable to read all the entries in present single cache using Streamer

2017-11-22 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, You must use IgniteDataStreamer#addData(key, value) to stream data into Ignite. What you did when you attached a receiver would make the data streamer execute the receiver on the nodes in co-located mode (that is the receiver logic will be called on the node where the receiver's input data is

Re: Failed to start near cache (a cache with the same name without near cache is already started

2017-11-21 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Near caches are transparent for you - there is no user API to get reference to or work with near caches. The purpose of a near cache is to "cache the cache", that is to be a local cache for a distributed cache. Ignite transparently fills near cache with the most recent data when you work with

Re: Failed to start near cache (a cache with the same name without near cache is already started

2017-11-21 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Near caches are configured per cache and not per query. You cannot start different near caches for the same distributed cache. Start separate near caches for TableA and TableB.

Re: Issues with multiple kafka connectors, questions regarding ignite caches

2017-11-21 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, 1. IgniteSinkTask source code shows that Ignite Kafka Connector has this "feature" that stopping any task

Re: what's best practice of “in” operator?

2017-11-20 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, The "table" in documentation is a keyword "table" to create a temporary table. Your query shall be like SELECT p.* FROM "personCache".Person p join table(area varchar =('london','paris','roma',...)) o on p.org_id = o. area

Re: Initial query resent the data when client got reconnect

2017-11-17 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Ignite presently does not support auto-incremental keys. You can start discussing this feature on the Ignite Dev list and open an enhancement request if the Community agrees it worths implementation. Right you can use Ignite's AtomicSequence

Re: Apache Ignite binary type invalidation

2017-11-16 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Ignite really caches metadata but restarting cluster clears the cache. If you want to change field type at runtime (without restarting the cluster), then you need to first remove field and then add the field something like: BinaryObject o = binary.builder("MyType").removeField("f").build();

Re: Initial query resent the data when client got reconnect

2017-11-16 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Initial query just gets the data according to the query. It will always bring all data if you query all data. You need to manually control what data you want your initial query to get. For example, if your key is incremental (like numeric ID or timestamp) then you could save the last extracted

Re: Use IgniteQueue in client

2017-11-13 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Created (ignite.queue() returns null when queue configuration is null)

Re: Use IgniteQueue in client

2017-11-13 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Two things: 1. You must use same configuration (limit and CollectionConfiguration) on both client and server 2. You cannot pass "null" as CollectionConfiguration. Pass empty CollectionConfiguration (new CollectionConfiguration()) if you have no specific settings. This code mus

Re: Problem with spring-data-commons 2

2017-11-13 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Apparently you cannot just bump the Spring dependency due to that new deleteAll(Iterable ids) they added in CrudRepository 2.0 that conflicts with the same method in our IgniteRepository. I opened a tickets to support Spring 2.0:

Re: Spring Data and XML configuration

2017-11-10 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, just replace code-based configuration inside SpringAppCfg#igniteInstance() with single line XML file-based initialisation: @Bean public Ignite igniteInstance() { return Ignition.start("ignite-config.xml"); }

Re: Question on On-Heap Caching

2017-11-08 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Ignite always stores data off-heap. Enabling on-heap caching just turns Java heap into a cache for the off-heap memory, allowing you to configure eviction policies specific for such a heap cache. I believe the idea is tha

Re: Ignite with Spark on Yarn

2017-11-03 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, The problem is Ignite cannot find your configuration file. Ignite tries these 3 steps to find configuration file: 1. Try to resolve it as a URI 2. If previous step fails, try to resolve it as $IGNITE_HOME + 3. If previous step fails, try to resolve it in CLASSPATH. Thus, you have

Re: Trouble with v 2.3.0 on AIX

2017-11-02 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Vladimir, right now I have no idea what is happening. Maybe Community will help. The stack trace goes deep into Big-Endian code that I cannot even troubleshoot since I have no Big-Endian platform available. Gathering logs might be helpful: I would stop all the nodes, clean $IGNITE_HOME/work/logs/*,

Re: Trouble with v 2.3.0 on AIX

2017-11-02 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi Vladimir, Can you share your Ignite configuration or give a list of features you have configured if sharing configuration is not possible (whether you have persistence, cache store, what discovery you use, etc.). -- Sent from:

Re: Re: Some concern regards the DataRegionConfiguration of the 2.3

2017-11-02 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Apache Ignite has no data migration/archiving tool but Ignite supports plugins and Ignite native persistence exposes org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.snapshot.IgniteCacheSnapshotManager that you could use to implement your own tool. There are commercial solutions available,

Re: Some concern regards the DataRegionConfiguration of the 2.3

2017-11-02 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, When you said "old memory configuration" did you mean using cacheStoreFactory? Ignite has two persistence options: native and 3rd-party persistence and having cacheStoreFactory configured means you use the latter one. Unlike Ignite native persistence, the 3rd party persistence is slower in m

Re: Is WAL a memory-mapped file?

2017-11-01 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
John, The default mode is the slowest of the 3 WAL write modes available. The other two are OS buffered write "LOG_ONLY" and Ignite buffered write "BACKGROUND". You might need some benchmarking in your real environment (hardware and software) with your specific task to understand if it is "slow".

Re: What's the maximum number of nodes for an Apache Ignite cluster?

2017-11-01 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, As I know there is no limit on the number of nodes. The largest cluster one of Ignite users is building that I know about will have 2000 nodes - may be that was what caused confusion. Please note that the default affinity function (RendezvousAffinityFunction) manages 1024 partitions by defaul

Re: NullPointerException in

2017-10-31 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Opened a ticket to address this:

Re: NullPointerException in

2017-10-31 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, Please set WAL archive path to be different from WAL store path. Indicating this misconfiguration with NullPointerException is a usability issue. I will open a ticket. On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 7:13 PM, Sébastien Bouchex Bellomié <> wrote: > Hello, > > > > I’m getting t

Re: Ignite Events Remote Filter

2017-10-27 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Also, I ran our CacheEventsExample and I confirm the remote filter is NOT unsubscribed when it returns false. So it looks like a documentation bug only. On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Alexey Kukushkin wrote: > Hi, > > I think it is a documentation bug. I do not think remote listene

Re: Ignite Events Remote Filter

2017-10-27 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi, I think it is a documentation bug. I do not think remote listener will be unsubscribed if it returns false. Let's confirm with the developers community. *Ignite Developers*, We have this comment for the remoteListener argument of the IgniteEvents#remoteListen(...): rmtFilter - Filter callba

Re: Job Listeners

2017-10-25 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi Chandrika, I cannot reproduce the problem with the code you provided. I created a public GIT repo with your code from the previous post and suggest this: 1. You clone the repo: git clone 2. Try to reproduce the problem with

Re: Cannot insert data into table using JDBC

2017-10-17 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Hi James, Can you please set "streaming=false" and try again? If it worked, I will open a bug about this "schema not found" issue in the streaming mode. Thanks!

Re: Cannot insert data into table using JDBC

2017-10-16 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
James, Just to confirm - are you saying that Statement.executeUpdate("create table Sample_Superstore ...") throws that exception but still creates the cache as expected?

Re: Error with ScanQuery

2017-10-16 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Raymond, Do you have native or 3-rd party persistence? If you have 3rd-party persistence, then this "Requesting mapping from grid failed" error I see in your screenshot was fixed in release 2.3 .

Re: integrate with prestodb

2017-10-16 Thread Alexey Kukushkin
Cross-sending to the DEV community. On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 12:14 PM, shawn.du wrote: > Hi community, > > I am trying to implement a connector for presto to connect ignite. > I think it will be a very interest thing to connect ignite and presto. > > In fact, currently we use ignite and it works

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