Hi community

Today I spent a whole day reading the docs:

This is a well-written documentation for Ignite, thanks for the work.
I have several questions that:

#1, Is the most used feature of Ignite the distributed K/V storage? Can I
treat it as the distributed Redis?
#2, It says it supports streaming, distributed computing, ML Lib. Are they
affected by Apache Spark? Are these three features production ready?
#3, I saw that distributed computing has very few API methods. Will you
expand them later? For example, map(), reduce(), group(), filter() etc.
#4, The document says SQL and K/V are essentially the same stuff. So when
to use SQL and when to use K/V interface?
#5. Will you support dataframe in future? Yes, both Spark and R have the
dataframe. The structure is quite easy to load outside data such as CSV,
JSON etc.

Thank you in advance for any help.

Jon Hua

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