Thanks for your informative reply.
I looked at CacheQueryExample to be able to query by both unique (k1) and
non-unique (k2) keys.
I use an /AffinityKey/. However, k1 (unique key) and k2
(non-unique key) are not member variables, where I would have been able to
annotate them with /@QuerySqlField(
*Is "IN" predicate supported?
*If so, can we use a "?" to be replaced and how?
Example. I'd like to construct something like this for an integer property:
"id IN (1, 6, 12)"
Please help me structure the cache to store instances of a type, say T.
I'd like to cache the objects in two different ways:
1. By a unique key (k1), where the value is a single instance
2. By a non-unique key (k2), where the value is a list of instances
Please comment on my approach:
- Cre