Hello everyone,

I am currently experimenting with Ignite machine learning (random
forest regression / classifier) and have come up with a couple of
questions that I can't seem to answer using docs or sample code. I am
rather new to ML as well as Ignite, so I hope that answers aren't too
obvious. ;-)

Is my assumption correct that the label is the coordinate that is
supposed to be learned (possibly depending on all other features) and
later predicted by the model?

At the moment, I am training my model from a local cache
(CacheMode.LOCAL) that I populate through a CacheStoreAdapter from
ElasticSearch as I can fit all data into RAM of a single node.
Training seems to be single-threaded, though. Is there a way to
parallelize the training across available cores while still limiting
the operation to a single JVM process?

After training a model I'd like to figure out the importance of the
different features. Is there a way to obtain the feature importance
from the model?


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