I followed the above link to connect to remote Apache Ignite server Node.
However, am receiving the following error. The simple reason for this error
is it needs to execute config file that has @EnableIgniteRepositories.
However, my control
Thank you Mikhail.
How the following configuration would look like in Kubernetes cluster?
ClientConfiguration cfg = new
GCP Kube Cluster will have two PODs which are not public IPs. We can create
Kubernetes Load Balancer to manage the traffic
Hello following is my Ignite Configuration for Client App. However the same
configuration also exists for Server Apache Ignite Node except one line (
Is this correct? My idea is to create an instance running on GCP kubernetes
and my Business App which
I am new to Apache Ignite. Need some guidance so that I can proceed with the
right approach.
We want to use Ignite Data Grid (memory cache) and want to deploy Apache
Ignite in Google Cloud Platform within Kubernetes setting.
1. We are not allowed to access the image hosted on the public doma