Hi Igniters! 24 speakers, 15 hours, attendees from 49 countries, and 100+
people listening to each talk - the Summit was a great event for the
community! Many thanks to our great speakers, resourceful hosts, smart
experts who answered questions at the booth, and of course to everyone who
attended, asked questions, and cheered up the speakers!

I am getting back to the subject of the email. The most popular question to
the Summit team is, “When are the videos available?”. So let me answer:
everyone who registered for the Summit will get the email early next week.
If you missed the event, you could leave your email address on the website
- https://ignite-summit.org/register. Later in July, videos will be
published publicly.

The second question in my personal chart is about the slides - we will put
the links on them in the video description.

If you have any feedback (positive or negative) about the Summit, please
email your thoughts to me.



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