Here is the info:
* AMI used - ami-e78b6687 which should be just Ubuntu 14.04 + git + java +
* Instance c4.2xlarge: RAM 15GiB, vCPU 8
* VM information: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0_80-b15 Oracle
Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 24.80-b11
* Zone: us-west-2a
* Co
Cross-copying to the dev@ list.
Yakov, can you please explain the environment to the Hazelcast engineer?
I do find it a bit strange that their CEO, Mr. Luck, first accused us of
“faking” [1][2] the result a week ago, and only now is making an attempt to
actually reproduce the results, but neverth
We (Hazelcast) would like to reproduce the benchmark numbers:
We have set up 3 separate environments, to reduce the change of
configuration errors, according to the exact specifications on the website,
but have failed to reproduced the